Thursday, May 27, 2010

A new rug

I want this rug for John's room. It's from SkipHop, and it's foam. Ideal for anywhere a little boy might be playing, spilling, walking, etc.

I just can't decide which color...


Ashley said...

I've eyed this one myself. As someone who has a foam rug in her kids room, it's awesome. Due to the fact that I found it in the trash in my old building, I didn't get to pick the colors, so it's either black or clownish primary colors so the Skip Hop is a much better option! I love that they can play, drop things, spill and there is less noise, less bumps and bruising, and it's all wiped up with a baby wipe.

Janice said...

I'm partial to blue.

The Palmers said...

I like the brown and green

The Smiths said...

I like them both, but I think the green and brown is calling my name...definitely!

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

I got the blue/brown one of craigslist for about $25. It was awesome while we were on hard wood but has not really served a purpose on carpet yet. Maybe it will be helpful on our non-finished basement floor.

Unknown said...

Wanna make your own? Order floor canvas whatever size you want, grab a projector from any old library, find a design, project it onto the canvas, draw it out, paint it whatever color you want, then polyurethane to your heart's content! Cheap, easy, and specially designed for you!

I tell you this b/c you are so crafty I totally think you can do it!

noelle regina said...

noelle votes blue.