Monday, November 26, 2007

Give Thanks

For organic heirloom turkeys and Cameron's turkey dance performance before the long anticipated roast.

For Liza and her beautiful Thanksgiving table... Alison's out of this world butternut squash soup and Lindsey's salad... eating Thanksgiving dinner in spread out courses made for a more enjoyable experience.
For a handsome husband who caters to my crazy adventures... like going to a Christmas tree farm in New Jersey... how were we going to get it back to our place in the city??

For Liza's delicious homemade concocted hot chocolate because the Swiss Miss at the Candy Cane Cottage just wasn't doing it for me.

For Christmas Tree Farms and the experience of cutting down your own tree... even though we ended up getting one they had already cut down. Why? Because they cut down all the good ones. No one wants to spend a small fortune for a small, squatty tree with bare spots. Here's to our full 9 footer.

For sheep at the Christmas Tree farm because they are oddly cute and they kept Millie happy... and it licked my finger.
Raking up leaves and jumping in them because there is something so magical about leaves.
Brothers... oh, and definitely Ian for bringing us back into the city with our tree on top of his car.
For a Christmas tree in my apartment that smells sooooo good.
Once again... for an adorable husband who is taking care of that tree and putting lights on it like a champ.


Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

beautiful tree and pictures! that soup sounds delicious and i'm very glad the turkey worked out for you guys! sounds like a lot to be thanksful for!

Mumsy said...

1.Juiciest, tastiest turkey EVER.
2.Stop being so cute, you newlyweds.
3.I think it's awesome you brought your tree back to the city.
4.We love you guys and we were so happy to see you last week!

Nicole Cave said...

You guys are so good about doing aoo of the little holiday traditions all by yourselves...what great memories you are making! Happy Turkey Day!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, so jealous of that tree.

Margo said...

It was so fun to see all your pictres. You guys are so darn cute. We sure missed you and hopefully we will get to see you soon.