If you have one difficult baby, people always tell you that the next one will be easier. I beg to differ. John was difficult, only because he had acid reflux and was suffering for the first 6 months of his life. Grant is the same, except where John was a good night sleeper, Grant is terrible. Which really means I get 4-5 hours of sleep a night... not consecutively. In some cultures, sleep deprivation is a form of torture. Luckily, it's not really Grant's fault and he's cute, which makes it hard to be mad at him even when he's kept me up half the night. I just keep reminding myself that this is a relatively short period of life and babies just have a hard time sometimes. All of Grant's smiles sort of make me forget all the hard times. Thank goodness for baby smiles. And thank goodness for John's enthusiasm. It brightens my day.
thank heaven for silver linings...like baby smiles. sleep deprivation is the worst. it makes it tricky to be a good mom in the morning. you've been looking pretty terrific for only 4-5 hours a night.
i have a feeling those cuties will be the easiest children/teenagers on the planet.
Oh yeah. Look at Grant's face in that first picture. It's the classic, "I don't know what you're talking about. Who me?" face of a newborn who doesn't let you sleep.
Perhaps your third? I say you just keep going utnil you get an easy one.
I was just thinking to myself (literally, five minutes ago) how much more human I feel now that Addie's reflux is finally gone and she finally sleeps all night long (last night was 13 hours!!!) and takes good nap (she's going on 2 hours as I type.) Looking back it seems like it wasn't that bad but man while you're in it it's awful and it feels like it will never get better. Hope your darling boys help you get through the sleep deprivation because it is so tough!
Oh! I so remember that! My mom would always tell me that it was a form of torture for POW to wake someone up every 3 hours. Hang in there Niks! I love you and am praying that little Grant closes his eyes more often VERY soon!
I hear you... sleep deprivation is definitely a form of torture, it's the hardest thing for me with a new baby. I just can't cope with being short on sleep yet you just plain old have to for a year after a new baby. Sigh. BUt the nice thing is that there really is light at the end of the tunnel and it comes so slowly you didn't really even realize you have been getting a little more then a little more then a little more sleep every night. But I'm sympathizing with you now!! Hang in there!! Your boys are precious!
Hmmmmm... sounds like we are experiencing something of the same thing.. I can't imagine having 2 though!! The smiles definitely make it worth it! Hang in there. Its got to get better, right?!
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