It seems like something you would see on the front of the Enquirer, but this is the real deal folks... although the reality is really that the man used to be a woman and still has internal woman parts but very much looks and acts like a man. Oprah did an interview with the "man" and his wife yesterday, and you can read it here.

I am pretty sure the whole thing kind of confuses and disgusts me and for once I am really going to say what I think about it because this is my blog and if it is offensive to someone then I apologize but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Frankly, I think it's wrong. Sure, "he" and his wife are probably wonderful people, and I am sure they are going to love their daughter, but there is a reason God made us the gender that we are and when we try to alterate that we make a big mess of things and start playing with powers that are not ours to have. Besides, this child is going to have a whole set of interesting issues to deal with. Other children are cruel and I foresee a lot of heartache in this kid's future. I don't agree with gender alteration.
I kind of like the neighbor's comment when he found out... "Obviously, it's a pretty unusual situation, and it was unusual for me when I found out," he says. "It was kind of sexually dyslexic for me to put it together." I'll say.
I am not trying to be intolerant or prejudice or close minded. But I believe that people are unique and created uniquely. In our church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - the former prophet and president of the church President Gordon B. Hinckley along with his counselors issued a proclamation on the family several years back called Family: A Proclamation to the World. In regards to gender it states,
"All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose."
I seriously wonder how God feels about this? I mean, of course he wants his children to come to earth and be born in good families, which I am sure this is one. But how does he feel that this former woman altered an identity she was divinely given and in some ways makes a mockery of womanhood and motherhood. As you can tell, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it.
I watched this yesterday and must admit I was not that shocked. Since "he" used to be a "she" and still has the parts and "his" wife couldn't have a baby fine. It's their right. However, from a gospel perspective I was a bit saddened that people feel God got it wrong and must take drastic and possibly dangerous measures to fix it. That's also how I feel about plastic surgury. I still haven't figured out my thoughts on middle-sex or both-sex babies. Let's all pray for simple and easy gender identities!
I am with you on this one. I mean come on...I can't have a baby but now a man can. Thanks for your opinions.
Nikki, I love you. I love your thoughts and I am right there with you. Thanks for sharing.
I just have to comment on how funny this picture looks!! I don't know if it's the angle or what, but Oprah's head looks about three times bigger than this "man!" It just made me laught!
I think what you said about this making a mockery of womanhood is right on. I hate the fact that the one thing that really sets us apart is now made light of by some confused guy/girl.
oops... the last comment was from your sister, Mallory. I am under Lincoln's name but I am sure he would agree with me. Thank you for your post.
i totally agree that its a mockery of womanhood. 'he' isn't a 'he' if 'he' can still do everything a 'she' can do, then 'he' is really a 'she' who doesn't understand God's plan. crazy mixed up world!
Love this really know how to put into words what I think most of us want to say!!
Nikki, I agree with you 100%.
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