I am not sure if anyone else has this problem, but I am inundated with catalogs and 99% of them are unwanted. I don't know if the post office sold me out when I changed my address or if I accidentally checked some box on something that said I wanted to receive every catalog known to man, but I can't take it. I used to just call the company the minute I got a catalog I didn't want, but I ended up making 3-4 calls a night. It got to be too much and too annoying.
Then I found out about this website called Catalog Choice where you can sign up, look up all the catalogs you get and decline them. The site will submit the information to the catalog companies, etc. I am not 100% sure it is as effective as me calling myself, but then I am not 100% sure that me calling myself guarantees the end of the catalog avalanche. It's such a waste of paper, and I am committed to doing my part to save the environment or at least not contribute to its rapid decline. If any of you have a similar problem, it couldn't hurt to check it out and sign up. You can click the linked image up above for easy access. It doesn't cost anything and there are no obligations... only the hope of one day coming home and not seeing one catalog in the mailbox. I'm still waiting for that day.
PB is the worst. And I agree, I think the post office sells you out when you change your address.
ooooh! I'm going to try this today. And yes, PB is the worst. I get PB Kids, PB Baby, PB regular, PB for mormons (j/k, but it's really bad!). It would be much more environmentally friendly if they sent us regular postcards reminding us to check out online catalogs. But then we couldn't have naked VS women in hardcopy. BUMMER.
Another great site for getting rid of junk mail and catalogs is ProQuo.com (http://www.proquo.com). ProQuo.com lets you stop the marketing offers you don't want and keep the ones you do.
Another great site for getting rid of junk mail and catalogs is ProQuo.com (http://www.proquo.com). ProQuo.com lets you stop the marketing offers you don't want and keep the ones you do.
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