"Let not the events of the day discourage you." It's a phrase that has personal meaning to me and has been resonating in my mind the past 24 hours. Most of the time, I try not to pay too much attention to all the negative things that seem to close in around us, but I can't help but get a little frustrated by the state of the world.
First, I read an article in the news about how 1 in 4 teenage girls has an STD, the most common being HPV, which causes cervical cancer. As cruel and unfeeling as it may sound to my gender, I almost don't feel bad for them. Why? Because I don't think there are too many people who don't know that unprotected and frequent sex could cause you to get AIDS or any number of STDs. If you know it and you still do it, you are either stupid, ignorant or think you are invincible but none of those things relieve you of the consequences or accountability. Sure, we could say that they don't know any better, but I find that hard to believe. However, youth are the product of their environment, their parents, the influences of the media world. I was just trying to determine whether the increase of unprotected and premature sex resulting in STDs is a product of television, movies, the state of society or if that is just the way of it. Is it because we start teaching kids sex education in elementary schools? Perhaps this is an argument of the determining what came first - the chicken or the egg? Either way it is disturbing partially because it shows that girls (because that is what they are) have no self respect or idea of self worth and that boys and girls are devoid of responsibility. Man, the thought of raising kids in this environment is overwhelming.
2. I was walking down Lenox last night with my neighbor coming from a Relief Society dinner at the church when we passed a section of sidewalk that had been newly cemented. There were all kinds of things written on it, pictures and such. It made me mad. Sure, it's all fun and games to write your name in the wet cement for all the world to see for years to come, but it's destruction of property and frankly the rest of the world doesn't want to walk down the street and see Johnny loves whoever or graffiti on the sidewalk. It's unbecoming. Not to mention all of the trash and chicken bones that I see by Wonder Fried Chicken that caters to all the poor people who loiter on the corner. Sometimes I wonder if these people even care one ounce about where they live. If you treat your neighborhood like trash by throwing your garbage everywhere, writing on buildings, etc. then everyone else will treat it and you like trash too.
3. This morning on the subway I noticed how people don't do graffiti on the train with paint but rather by scratching it into the doors or the windows or wherever they can get their grubby little hands. It makes me mad. What right do they have to deface property that doesn't belong to them but to the people of the city? Do they think that the rest of us want to ride around in trains that are marked up, defaced and trashed by their ignorance, laziness and arrogance? They think it makes them cool, but really it's not cool. It's annoying.
So in an effort to not let the events of the day discourage me, I am choosing to focus on beautiful things. My sweet husband trekked out to Staten Island on Saturday in the rain to check out a campsite for this year's Youth Conference and took some lovely photos of our city along the way. I thought I would share his talents with you...

It is so hard to see how people trash their own neighborhoods then complain that new people are moving in and renovating the buildings and cleaning things up. How do you convince people to care? about themselves, the environment, other people? At least it is a comfort to know that your child's environment and the gospel will at least give them a running start!
the photos cam took are great. from what josh has told me so far, youth conference sounds like it's going to be great this year, i'm excited.
and i agree with you on everything else. it really is sad... i read an article last week in utah about the percentage of std's and utah teens and i couldn't believe it. i thought, "this has to be a typo..." it's really sad. people just aren't thinking anymore...
I keep meaning to get on here and tell you CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so excited for you! You're going to be a great mommy!
I keep meaning to get on here and tell you CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so excited for you! You're going to be a great mommy!
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