Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!

2007 has come and gone and brought with it a lot of good times and wonderful memories...

- Lots of wedding planning
- Cameron and I got married in April in New York
- Honeymoon in Jamaica
- Mala's wedding in San Francisco
- Cameron's grandparents get sealed in the Salt Lake Temple in July
- Block Island trip in July
- Visit Mala and Mason in DC in July
- Meryn, Danny and Dylann's sealing in Ohio and a fun family reunion
- Reach the Beach in September
- Cameron's grandfather passes away in October and we are able to attend the funeral in Utah
- Apple picking in October with Jan, Liza and Millie
- Thanksgiving at the Dawson's in New Jersey and a trip to the Christmas tree farm
- First annual Kelly Family extravaganza in December
- home to Las Vegas for the holidays
- Midnight run in Central Park for New Year's

2007 was a great year, and I believe 2008 is going to be even better. Many good things are going to happen... I can feel it. I hope that everyone had a lovely holiday with family and friends and that your New Year is bright and promising! Lots of love from the Kelly's


Ann said...

So glad you guys had a good Christmas holiday. New Year's Eve run? FUN!

Margo said...

loved the pictures. We sure miss you guys.

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

Fun pictures and sounds like a fabulous year!

Julie said...

Wow - what a year you've had! You and your husband look so cute and happy together. I'm really impressed with all races you do! I'm excited to get back into it in a few weeks and hopefully do a half in the summer. You're looking great!!

Sister Abby Bowler said...

Nikki, what a fun-filled year you've had! I love checking in on your blog every now and then to see your latest! It's fun to see links to common friends, too...Mehrsa, Smylies, and Mala and Mason--Mason was in our ward right before they got married--small world!