The First Annual Kelly Christmas Extravaganza was a hit. Celeste made the most amazing wassail. Mercedes helped make baked brie that was gone in about 4 minutes. And somehow we managed to fit 45 people in our apartment. Thanks to Mike and Brent for making ham sandwiches on kosher challah rolls that pleased the party goers. It was also great to have a little bit of caroling with Josh accompanying on his famous little keyboard that delighted my downstairs neighbor Claudette so much she called her sister and her son on her cell phone so they could hear.
Candice, Celeste, me and Jenn Chappell
Cousin Stephanie from DC... up for the occasion.
Brent and I trying to sing carols amidst a talking crowd
Celeste, Marci and Tage
Josh plunking out Yuletide tunes on the mini keyboard
Doug and Tamara Hall with Jen and Colin Bennion
We had an impromptu quintet of guys - Nathan, Levi, Norris, Cameron and Josh - sing Silent Night for the crowd, and we even had a visit by the stake president/Cameron's boss/our old bishop, which I believe totally increased our cool factor. All in all it was a great night, and I am looking forward to this fun tradition every Christmas.
Cameron and the Bowens
Catching President DLB talking with Lindsey and Scott. Proof that he really did come.
Jeff and Caitlin Mulcock
Lindsey and me
Thanks for the wonderful party. We had such a fabulous time. And the Brie was amazing!
I'll be the first to admit I'm part of the reason the brie was gone in 4 minutes. You just might have to send the recipe my way...
Thanks for hosting Nikki. Josh and I had a really great time!
that's crap. not one picture of me. c'mon niks.
sounds like so much fun! Brian and I are throwing an adults-only party next Saturday and I am so excited. As I've grown older, I've realized that I love to have parties...Your Christmas tree does look fabulous! And as usual, you look so dang cute. Come on, Nikki. Share with me your shopping secret. I NEED that shirt!
Oh my goodness Nikki, this makes me so homesick for NYC and all of you out there! It looks like you had a wonderful time and I hope you have such a great Christmas!
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