Thursday, July 19, 2007

Orchestra for the masses

The New York Philharmonic plays in Central Park once a year during the summer, and masses of people come out to listen. The great lawn is packed and people start spilling over into the outer regions. They bring their blankets, dinner, wine and cheese and make a social party of it. At the end, they have a magnificent fireworks display. This year, we were going to miss it because we had tickets to Harry Potter, and it was scheduled for the same night. Lucky for us, there was a summer monsoon that cancelled it. The rain date happened to be on Tuesday. Yay! for us! Here is some footage... the first is a little bit of blackness with music in the background... it seems kind of scary and ominous until Cameron kept trying to put his feet in front of the camera. The second is some of the fireworks. In New York, we use any excuse to have pyrotechnics.

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