Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another photo update...

Until we get our new computer (I am aiming for June), this is how the photos are coming... in bulk every so often. For those of you wondering if I really am pregnant, this post should suffice as evidence. In addition, the gallery includes a lovely weekend out here with Nan, Cameron's grandma, our first picnic of 08 in CP and a Mother's Day Feast prepared by the Kelly/Dawson men...

This is for my mom because she is always telling me I need to take more pregnant pictures of myself. I can't be certain, but I think this is 27 weeks?
Central Park picnics are the best. I foresee many more in our immediate future.While Nan was here we all went to the temple, then to lunch at Mercer Kitchen down in Soho before getting gelato at Grom. It was fun to have Nan in the big city.Chas, Ian and Allison testing the gelato from Grom. Chas served his mission in Italy so the gelato was being carefully scrutinized.
Nikki, Cameron and Nan Chas, Ian, Millie, Cameron, Fred an Lilly at Liza's when Nan was in town.

Chas and Cameron cutting up vegetables and pineapple for the grilling feast for Mother's Day. Grilled vegetables are a sure sign of summer goodness.
And last but not least... this is myself and Sarah Jane, who is a good friend and due about a week before me. Cameron insisted that we take some photos of us since we were dressed similarly and, well, he's obeying my mom's wishes.


Lindsey F. said...

You look so cute!! You should take more pictures of yourself, I agree with your mom. I love pregnant pictures!

Julie said...

Congrats! You are such a cute pregnant girl. you are getting close. I hope you have been feeling well.

Anonymous said...

Yippee, I love the pictures. You are lookin' like a pregnant mama. Thanks for taking the pictures so we can keep up on Nairn. You and Sarah Jane have cute outies. And, wow, we can see dimples in your face!!!

naomi megan. said...


i love seeing that baby bump of yours. it's darling!


Hepworths said...

ok, the belly is adorable!! thanks for finally posting some pregnancy pics! hope you're feeling good these days:)

Heather said...

the pic of you and sj makes my cry. i miss you, and her, and nyc too much!!! you look great!!!

Rachel McEwen said...

Nikki, you look so cute. I love your pregnant belly!! Enjoy being pregnant b/c as soon as the baby is born you forget all about the joys and pains of pregnancy...which of course is a good thing b/c I think that most women would only have 1 kid if that wasn't the case b/c the pains just seem to over shadow the joys:)

Kristyn said...

You are looking great! I agree with taking the preggie pics -- I yelled at Dave when he tried (due to those wonderful insecurities) and only have a couple of pics from each pregnancy -- wish I had more now!

Douglass Family said...

So this shows I don't look at my friends blogs far enough! CONGRATS GIRL! I am so excited for you. Being a mommy is the greatest, and hardest, but most wonderful thing in the world! Let me know if you need any advice ... as if you aren't getting it from everyone you know! HUGS!