Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm a lucky woman

Happiness is not a destination. It is a complete state of being, and I am full of happiness. There are lots of reasons, of course. Central Park is a vision... the leaves are turning gree, there are random patches of daffodils blooming everywhere, dogs are happy, new grass is coming up, the birds are singing, the tulip trees smell fantastic and the temperature outside is a pleasant 75 degrees. I am having a picnic today after work, from which I am leaving early. I have the most amazing husband who loves me and tells me I am beautiful every single day. The nairn knows when he is around and perks up when he comes home. He knows Cameron's touch, which is awesome and endearing to me. I have a home where love and friendship abounds. I live in a city that is both beautiful and challenging but so full of energy and possibility. I wake up everyday (despite my current condition of coughing and sniffling due to a cold and mild irritability from not working out in a week) with a smile, happy to be alive, happy to wake up next to my love and best friend, happy to know our son is doing well and happy, happy to know God showers me with love and tender mercies on a daily basis, happy to be grateful.


Sarah L. said...

You are such an uplifting person. I am so excited for you to have a baby. You will love it. There is nother in the world like it. And a boy at that. Boys are the best :) Enjoy being pregnant. It is a sweet thing.

Heather said...

aw... tender mercies. that post made me cry. you are too much!!!! love the photo!! and secretly wish i could have a picnic with you in central park... :) xoxo

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

Sweet picture and lovely post. It's always good to remind ourselves of all the good things. Grateful for being grateful.

Nicole Cave said...

I love the picture!

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Oliver & Margy said...

I love this hearfelt post and cute picture. So happy for you two.