So last night I get home and our friend Dan Clark calls to say he would like to drop something by. His wife Marci is seriously the cutest person in the world and so incredibly thoughtful that I am always wishing I was more like her. So immediately I thought, "Oh no... what has Marci done now?" I suddenly felt like I had fallen behind in something... like I am trying to catch up even slightly to Marci's coolness. So Dan drops off this cute box appropriately from Anthropologie (because Marci loves Anthropologie, and why shouldn't she?) wrapped in a very chic but fun white ribbon with polkadots on it. It was filled with Valentine's Day goodies and a little congratulations.

Thanks Marci and Dan for being so thoughtful and sweet. I always seem to have these grand ideas of doing something festive like this for my friends on holidays and special occasions, but they never seem to come to fruition. Marci is a good example of just doing it because that's just the kind of person she is. I want to be more thoughtful like Marci. I hope I am not embarrassing her because I really was touched and I really do admire her. So this is just a shoutout to the Clarks and their awesomeness.
What the heck!!!! You're pregnant?!!!! I was reading your other blog and I couldn't believe what I was reading. I thought maybe I had clicked on the wrong link--but then I checked that "about me" part and sure enough-- it was you! Holy crap! Why hasn't this very exciting news been published on this blog? I think we were all wondering if you were pregnant when you did the post about mothers but I thought you said you were not making an announcement. I'm totally confused...but CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you!!!
awww... Nikki you are too sweet. And really, it's more like "to be like Nikki." We're so excited for you guys!
Nikki I was wondering the same thing about you being pregnant. I was reading your older posts and saw the one about your new blog. Was that your indirect way of announcing that you are pregnant? If so congrats!! That is so exciting. I think you are going to have to make this official for people if you are because I am still not quiet sure. I will be looking at your new blog though because I need all the help I can get right now. I haven't exercised, other than chasing kids, in forever. Congrats again, maybe?
thanks nikki! if two people deserve a shout out, it's the clarks. marci is so adorable in her thoughtfulness. i think we're all slightly jealous:)
Although, I've never met Marci, I too, love her and want to be more like her. Also, if you could just give her my address so she could send me some of those delicious looking sugar cookies next Valentine's Day that would be fabulous.
Oh don't get me started on the Clarks. Marci is on the short list of "people I'm not allowed to compare myself too."
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