Monday, January 28, 2008

President Gordon B. Hinckley

Word travels fast thanks to modern technology. Our beloved prophet and church president Gordon B. Hinckley passed away last night in Salt Lake City. My brother heard from someone and called my mom who then sent me a text within an hour of it actually happening. I was saddened by the news and it caught me by surprise as I did not think that he was unwell, but I am happy that he has been reunited with his sweetheart.

He is a wonderful man and did so many things for the church. He is the prophet that I really grew up with listening to year after year loving him for his gentility and determination. He made goals and accomplished them without flinching. He taught me a great many things, especially that even though we are good we can always be better. I will miss him greatly.


Sarah L. said...

I will miss him too. Thanks for leaving your address again on my blog. Have a great day

Anonymous said...

I'm currently traveling across the country and right staying the week at the Peery Hotel in SLC. I just happened to stumble upon your wonderful blog while looking for ome of my New York friends! I'm the son of Jewish immigrants and reside just below and to the right of your beloved burrough. As a non-mormon, I've always been impressed by the way Mormon's reach out to those of other faiths. I remember one cold winter my brother Jerry broke his right hand then got mugged on the way back from the hospital. It was exam week and he was devastated. Luckily some mormon missionaries happened to be passing by and gave him a ride and a helping hand. They stayed around until all his exams were over and took him back home. This was years ago, but Frank will never forget the impression it made on him. I share this story because I want you to know that others pay attention to your religion and mourn the loss of your leader.

nikki said...

Cal, I am not sure if you will ever visit here again or revisit these comments, but thank you for your story and your comment. It touched me when I read it, and I am grateful that you have had good experiences with Mormons in your life. I have had the opportunity to know and work with several people of the Jewish faith and have appreciated their kindness and wisdom. I always felt that we shared many values and even some beliefs. Thank you again.

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

Well said to everyone. Thanks to Cal for sharing his story and it is good to know others share in our grief. I've been looking to see something on the news yesterday and today and felt sad that no mention was made of such a great man. Thanks again for sharing.

Rachel said...

I saw something from the news and posted it on my blog. It was a very good bit on President Hinckley. You can check it out on my blog. Nikki, you're the best.